Saturday, June 1, 2013

Days 4 and 5 - Storms & Setbacks

Friday started out great, and my thoughts were jumping ahead to starting Phase II. I realized that I was beginning the fourth day of eating only a few hundred calories a day (chicken broth has something like 30 calories per cup).  So I figured I should progress if I passed my sensitivity tests. 

Right after work, I went to Whole Foods to do some shopping for my sensitivity tests and fermenting supplies to begin Phase II.  While there, the tornado sirens went off and we were taken to the walk-in freezer behind the dairy section.  Nearly an hour later, we were okay to leave the store.  I made my way to our house that did not have any power.  Because of our busy weekend ahead, Jeff & I decided to go to a hotel, which brought its challenges in keeping up with Phase I or starting any of my prep for Phase II.

Saturday, I had to give in to the situation and eat some "normal" food.  I tried to keep it as healthy and "Gaps-like" as possible, but it has been difficult at a hotel with no ability to prepare food for myself.  I also have a two-day trip Tuesday night through Thursday night this coming week, so I will more than likely have to repeat a few days of Phase I when I return home.  This will allow me to reset and prepare for sensitivity tests & introducing dairy, egg yolks, fermented fish and chunkier meat / vegetable soups.

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