Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Days 70 to 75 - Back to Reality

As I returned from vacation and went back to work, I had to get back into more of a routine with my GAPS plan.  I was very low on broth and other cooked meats and vegetables, so I had to begin the process of stocking up again.  The crock pot has been going non-stop and I already need to go to the store again.

I am still dealing with some itchy skin, which is most likely holding on longer due to seasonal allergies.  I saw my N.A.E.T. chiropractor on Saturday and we did a treatment for mold, tree pollen, weeds, grass and ragweed.  Since then, I have noticed an improvement.  I have also been using coconut oil to hydrate my skin and taking frankincense capsules to promote internal healing.

Since things seem to be calming down, I have also started eating cooked carrots again and tried raw celery juice this morning with breakfast.  Hopefully introducing these foods for a second time will go much better so I can progress to next phases.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Days 64 to 69 - Viva Las GAPS

One more twist to my adventure comes with my departure to Vegas with my friend Maranda for her 30th birthday trip with the girls.  Surprisingly, I was able to do Vegas GAPS-style for the most part.  We found buffets with carved meat stations, plenty of places with salmon for dinner and eggs for breakfast.  We even did a little cooking in the suite at the hotel.  I was able to maintain my plan of eating no grains, starches or sugars, even though I was unable to eat organic or preservative-free.  I was definitely apprehensive about how to vacation during the GAPS plan, but overall, it turned out better than expected.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Days 50 to 63 - My Way or the Highway of Frustration? Let the Dance Begin!

Where do I start?  I had a certain idea in my mind of how my progression through Intro GAPS should go, especially since the first couple of phases went so well.  I have to say, I am a little frustrated that things have not gone as expected more recently, and am definitely feeling like I'm having some setbacks.  I have still been combating food allergy reactions.  Although I was cleared of the physical carrot allergy and several accompanying emotions that might be interfering, I was still experiencing hives.  I returned to the chiropractor for a checkup and we determined that I might benefit from Bach's Rescue Remedy, a mixture of floral extracts designed to help relieve anxiety preventing me from moving past the allergic reactions.

In addition, I tried to give blood last week, but my iron was too low.  This is not necessarily related to GAPS, but there are some iron-rich foods that will come in later phases that I would love to eat soon (spinach!).  My iron since high school has been borderline (I've been denied at the blood drives several times before).  I did find a good iron supplement from Natural Healthy Concepts with not too many other ingredients (no gluten, citrus or other vitamins).

One other thing that I have experienced off and on since childhood that has happened more frequently in Phases III and IV of Intro GAPS is something found in the GAPS FAQ pdf.  When going from lying down or sitting to standing up, I become lightheaded.  This is possibly attributed to P.O.T.S. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome).  It can be caused or exacerbated by several things: imbalance caused by toxins in the gut (possibly producing too much histamine, for example), anemia, dehydration, low blood sugar and not getting enough animal fats.  I am working on those things and seeing improvements, although I still make a point to take it slow upon rising in the morning or standing up after sitting for a while.

One of my earlier blog posts was entitled "Day 2 - GAPS is not for the faint of heart" but I think an alternate title for today's post should be "GAPS is not for the faint of spirit" (this process is definitely an exercise in building character).  However, I decided on "My Way or the Highway of Frustration?  Let the Dance Begin!" because as I hear more of the experiences of other GAPS individuals, I realize it is a dance.  Not one speed or method will work for everyone.  Sometimes we take steps forward and steps back before moving forward again.  I am choosing to give in and let go of my idea of how GAPS should progress, very happy that I am a unique individual even though that acknowledgement comes with its challenges.